The Friesland Awards will be awarded as follows:

 Amateurs outside of Europa

 - 3 QSO's

 Amateurs inside of Europa - except Germany, Belgium and Great  Britain

 - 5 QSO's

 Amateurs in Germany, Belgium and Great Britain

 - 7 QSO's

 Amateurs in The Netherlands, except those situated in the     ovince of Friesland

 - 10 QSO's

 Amateurs in the province of Friesland

 - 15 QSO's

Logs containing the worked stations and  5 € 

should be submitted to:

Certificate Manager FRIESLAND AWARD:

Adres; mail to:


This certficate is also elegible to Short Wave Listeners.

 Contacts from all bands count, any mode.

Contacts made with different Amateurs from the province of Friesland

(Dutch QSL Regio 14) after January the first, 1975 will count.

Note that logs must be signed by the applicant and a second amateur.



                 New adres Award; mail to: